Help with Account Registration

Help with Account Registration

Table of Contents


Register a New Account

Verify Account - User Registered Message

Register FAQ


  • Register using the email on your membership record.  Registering with a different email will not include membership details or officer/committee activity.
  • Do not register with a post, squadron, county, or district account.  All MyLegion accounts are individual member accounts.  Access to post and squadron membership management and online membership processing, reports and rosters are provided to members that hold an Adjutant or Commander position.
  • Do not share e-mails.  Only one email can be registered.  The same email on multiple records will allow only one registration.  Other accounts with the same email will not be allowed to register.
  • To update or verify the email on your membership record contact your department headquarters.

Register a New Account

  1. Go to and select “Register”
  2. Enter email in the Register window and click “Next”.  Register with the email address on your membership record.  Registering with an email other than the one on your membership number will not include membership details or officer/committee activity. 
    1. Mobile No (Optional) – no functions at this time.  Future enhancement.
    2. Two-Factor Authentication –not recommended unless you wish to add extra security each time you log in.  Setting two-factor authentication requires the password and a security code emailed with each log in.
  3. Enter your Last Name, First Name and check consents and click “Next”. View
  4. Create your password in the welcome window. - The email entered must be verified.  The email is verified one of two ways.
    1. Enter the OTP sent to your email and click “Finish Registration”.  This is sent after step 2.
    2. Do not enter OTP and click “Finish Registration”. An email will be sent with a link to confirm and returns to the login page.
  5. Click My Account from your myLegion home page view your membership information.  Officers registering for post and squadron access will find that information on the My Account window.

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Verify Account - User Registered Message

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Register”
  3. Enter your email in the Register window and click “Next”.  A Verify Account window opens.
  4. Leave this page open.  Go to your email and retrieve the OTP (One Time Password).
  5. Enter the OTP and click “Verify”
  6. Create and verify your new password, be sure to include:
    1. Uppercase Letter
    2. Lowercase Letter
    3. Number
    4. Symbol (!@#$%^&*)
  7. Click Next and you will be logged in and your name displays in the upper right.
  8. Go to My Account to view membership details.

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Register FAQ

  1. I didn’t receive my temporary password.
    1. Check your Junk mail of Spam
    2. Return to and “Register” to re-enter email in the registration window.

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